Artists we love – Stéphane Wootha Richard

In everything we do, there are people that inspire us. Because we’re all unique, so are our tastes, and that’s something we enjoy exploring. The artists we love are many, so we ask our own artists to tell us a bit about their favourite one. For the love of 3D!

Hello everyone, I’m Diana Costin, Junior Environment Artist at AMC Studio. So nice to meet you all! I’ve been reading a lot of stories about how artists get inspired, and I tried thinking about what gets my creative juices flowing. I realised I’m always getting inspiration from long nature walks and reflection on the various layered landscapes. It’s so interesting to try and find beautiful colors and unusual compositional spots. It really helps me clear my mind and afterwards it feels like I’m able to appreciate artworks created by so many talented artists a lot better. 

Artwork by Stéphane Wootha Richard. Bridges connecting rocks in the sky.
Artwork by Stéphane Wootha Richard.

The art of Wootha

Artwork by Stéphane Wootha Richard. A nun with a cigarette and a pentagram.
Artwork by Stéphane Wootha Richard.

One of the artists I love is Stephane Wootha Richard. Now, what do we consider to be “excellent” about an artwork? Is it composition, story, lights, colours, technique? I think we can find all the answers in Stéphane Wootha Richard’s artwork, the artist who, in my eyes, mastered it all.

He is a freelance concept artist and illustrator based in Lyon, France. So far, he has worked in all the major industries: television, animation, video games. I was impressed by the variety in his work, incorporating both 2D and 3D tools. He uses a lot of vibrant colors to create light and contrast, making the scene look and feel more alive. I really love how he uses contrasting colors to make the most important props pop out. His compositions are strong and powerful, using colors to achieve an impressive layering depth effect.

Wootha (as he is called online) is present on the Artstation Learning platform and on Gumroad, where you can find so many tutorials filled with so much useful advice. The author explains his own thought process that leads to breathtaking pieces of art.

Artwork by Stéphane Wootha Richard.

Art in a world context

Recently, however, the artist decided to leave the art industry. Personally, I consider it an act of courage, after he spent so many years developing his skills and artistic approach in the digital industry. It seems he’s looking to redefine his role in art. It’s definitely not the first time he does that. When he was 19 years old, he went alone and without money to Spain, with only sculpting tools and some clothes, and experienced the simplicity of how the world works. This helped him rediscover a regenerative power in the creative process. He believes the only way to stop the tierracide (the conscious murder of the Earth) is to change the pattern of our society and civilisation.

“I believe this change can only come about through creative destruction.” 

Artwork by Stéphane Wootha Richard. A skeleton with bone horns and decorative feathers and hair.
Artwork by Stéphane Wootha Richard.

What will the artist create in the future? It is something that I am constantly looking forward to. Discovering new artworks, understanding his new thought process. His approach is definitely one we can learn from at times. To take a few steps back and to experience the simplicity of things, the reality of things as we see them on a daily basis. Inspiration comes in so many ways, we just have to open the door and let the creative process in.