We Shape Digital Art Education in Romania
During the past half a decade, AMC has become a pioneer in creating educational schemes aiming to shape the next generation of 3D digital artists.
On top of all efforts is our willingness to shape the next world shapers in order to ensure the sustainability of a profession that evolves continuously through the blend of art and tech – “3D ARTIST”.
There are three types of community focused educational programs differentiated by the level of the information being taught: highschool/under 18, undergraduate or postgraduate, as well as by the aim of the program – shaping the skills of a 3D artist working within the game design industry or elsewhere.
Vocational training programs at AMC premises consisting of internships and workshops for anyone interested and passionate about 3D digital art.
Following a selection of participants through contests or internship announcements, we regularly organize 2 weeks to 6 months trainings at our premises.
Only a small percentage of these workshops (below 10%) end up in recruitment as the main goal is to spread the full expertise in real time at the place where expertise is born – AMC’s premises.Teaching schemes for beginners, high school level and young teen artists under 18, consist of interactive presentations to art school pupils, short-term courses (10-15 days of 4hrs/day classes) introducing the senior high school students to the main 3D tools as well as “Open Doors” events at AMC premises organized for pupils and teachers.
The Open Doors events became now traditional for AMC and while happening at least twice a year, allow the under 18 art & tech passionate to see with their own eyes what really means to be a 3D Artist, what are the challenges and where lies the beauty of this profession.
Advanced courses for students (university undergrad level in areas where 3D art is relevant) & Support for Research (university postgrad level in art, game design and related areas)
A team of highly specialized AMC trainers delivers 3D graphic design courses for students at two of the most important art universities in Bucharest – National University of Art (UNARTE) – Department of Graphics and Cinetic (the Research Centre of the National University of Theatre and Film) – undergraduate and postgraduate program in Game Design.