XDS | 2020

Going fully online this year, this External Development Summit edition was definitely interesting!

For one, Dragos Casian, Art Director, and Vlad Alexandru, Business Development Director, held a discussion with Yakov Yaskevich, Senior Art Supervisor at Wargaming, about our long-lasting partnership. They shared their experience of creating trusting relationships in game dev projects.

Over the last 6 years they led their teams in co-developing the art for World of Tanks, with Wargaming trusting our team with increasingly complex projects and bigger contributions to their ongoing and future titles.

Then there was XDS’s new & creative alternative to in-person stands: 3D booths! Ours, created by Character Artist Madalina Pomparau and Lead Environment Artist Daniel Vijoi, can be found here: https://framevr.io/amcstudio


Dev.Play | 2020


Bucharest Global Game Jam | 2020