Romanian Mythology Challenge

Once upon a time, in winter, when cats were purring on the stove and the scent of cozonac was sweetening the air, you went asleep listening to a fairytale told by your grandmother. Then a dream started, with unearthly creatures, yourself, and a beautiful princess named Ileana Cosânzeana…that kinda looked like Daenerys Targaryen. 

Bet you now want to close your eyes and let yourself dream again.  

This is exactly what we’re tempting you to do. Use your craft and imagination to shape worlds!

You’ll also have the chance to win a Wacom Intuos Pro M Graphics Tablet, as well as get to know us better and let yourself be known at AMC România #AMCInternships. 

As of today, we are launching our 3D Romanian Mythology Art Challenge for all the world shapers whose dreams are crafted like nothing in this world. 

Design a character or an environment inspired from the Romanian mythology, give us something to dream about and say “this kid’s got talent!”.

And the winners of The AMC 3D Romanian Mythology Art Challenge supported by Wacom for Creatives Romania are:

Environment Challenge:

  1. Andreea Zamfir (Wacom Intuos Pro M Graphics Tablet + internship @AMC)

2. Elena Barbu (3D print of her asset + internship @ AMC)

3. Octavian Codrea (portfolio review by AMC’s Head of Arts)


Character Challenge:

  1. Andrei Bejan (Wacom Intuos Pro M Graphics Tablet + internship @AMC)

2. Poiana George Remus (3D print of his character + internship @ AMC)

3. Alexandra Coman (portfolio review by AMC’s Head of Arts)


We thank all the participants for their lovely works and Wacom for always supporting the creatives!

The winners of The AMC 3D Mythology Art Challenge, Andreea Zamfir and Andrei Bejan, have met their mentors-to-be at AMC today: Dan Cocină, our Head of Art, Dragos Dexx & Andrei Bradu, our Lead Artists.

Character challenge

Romanian fairy tale inspired character.


RO: Gerilă, Flămânzilă, Setilă, Păsări-Lăți-Lungilă, Muma Pădurii, Căpcăunul, Făt-Frumos, Ileana Cosânzeana, Verde Împărat, Roșu Împărat, Spânul, Calul Năzdrăvan

EN: Frosty, Eat-All, Drink-All, Stretchy, Forest Hag, Ogre, Prince Charming, Ileana Cosânzeana, Green Emperor, Red Emperor, The Bald Man, The Marvellous Horse


Environment challenge

Romanian fairy tale inspired location.


RO: Casa de Aramă, Muntele Zmeilor, Poiana Cerbului, Grădina Ursului, Castelul lui Roșu/Verde Împărat, Turnul lui Ochilă, Lacul lui Setilă, Ogorul lui Fomilă, Codrul lui Gerilă, Coliba Sfintei Duminici, Prisaca Crăiesei Albinelor, Pădurea Spânilor

EN: Copper House, Dragon Mountain, Stag Glade, Bear Garden, Red/Green Emperor’s Castle, Cyclop’s Tower, Drink-All’s Lake, Eat-All’s Field, Frosty’s Forest, Saint Sunday’s Hut, Bee Queen’s Apiary, The Bald Men’s Woods




        1st prize: Wacom Intuos Pro M Graphics Tablet + internship @ AMC

        2nd prize: 3D print of your character + internship @ AMC

        3rd prize: Portfolio Review by our Head of Art 



        1st prize: Wacom Intuos Pro M Graphics Tablet + internship @ AMC

        2nd prize: 3D print of your asset + internship @ AMC

        3rd prize: Portfolio Review by our Head of Art 


Contest rules

Participants must be Romanian residents. 

Participants must present a final scene in Marmoset Viewer format, with all textures properly loaded, adequate material settings, as well as a lighting setup. Authoring software is not imposed, artists may use whatever 3D modelling and texturing package they wish. 

There are no strict budgets or limitations. The asset must be a current-gen quality game-ready model, created in a photo-realistic style (in terms of materials, proportions, etc.)

Submissions must be sent at and must contain a ZIP archive, either attached (10 MB limit) or via a link to the archive on a hosting platform (Dropbox, GDrive, OneDrive, etc.), with the following contents:

* Reference/concept in PNG format (if applicable) – 5 files maximum

* High-Poly screenshots/renders in PNG format (if applicable) – 7 files maximum

* High-Poly model in FBX/OBJ format

* TGA textures & SBSAR files (in the case of custom substances made in Substance Designer)

* Marmoset Viewer scene files (must contain XXXX.mview & XXXX.html)

* Beauty Shot Render (Flagship/Presentation piece) in any software capable of rendering and post-processing (Marmoset Toolbag, UE4, Unity, Cycles, RedShift, Octane, KeyShot, iRay, etc.)

The submission email must contain the following information:

        * Email Subject: FullName_ArtPieceTitle

        * Email Body:

  – phone number

  – link to archive (if not in attachment)

– *optional* additional information about the piece (sources of inspiration, story, etc.)


Archive name should have the following format:

        Character challenge:           ChallengeCentenarAMC_Character_ArtPieceTitle_FirstNameLastName

        Environment challenge:     ChallengeCentenarAMC_Environment_ArtPieceTitle_FirstNameLastName


Evaluation criteria / key aspects

    Volumes, silhouette, proportions, topology, UVs, texture quality, anatomy features (even if exaggerated), texture quality, composition and mood


Supporters of the Creatives:

Wacom for Creatives România