Interns wanted in AMC
We’re on a hunt for interns, looking for those aspiring cheeky digital artists thriving to specialize in the gentle art of 3D sculpting and texturing AAA video games assets.
So all year round, every month, an intern is invited to rock our world.
Here’s a fair amount of reasons you should apply now for an internship at AMC:
You’ll have the chance to take the 3D artist career for a “dry run”, and see if it fits you.
You’ll receive mentorship not only from an AMC artist, but you can bug everyone around with your “What does this button do?”. Jokes aside, discovering buttons will be your job. For the rest of the WHYs, you got us.
You’ll be exposed to even a larger network of professionals, as we’re always connected to industry events, workshops and so on.
Read here what kind of events we’re involved in.
For a sneak peek in our lives as digitalists, you might want to watch this story on how a 10 years career as a 3D artist feels like in AMC.
Accumulate new skills, sharpen the ones you got, nurture your talent and passion.
Video games aren’t just fun & games, here you’ll gain a “real-world” perspective on this industry and occupation (When does work really end? When is good enough just good enough?).
If you’re a student, this could help you get some extra points in class or a certificate or whatever they ask from you students these days.
And finally, you can get hired here and be part of our team of world shapers. And you won’t ever want to leave this place.
Like the below.
Andrei and Andreea, two fresh interns at AMC in 2019, with their mentors, Dexx and Dan, part of our team since forever. When the three tenors started their careers at AMC, they were also young
Duration of internship: one month with the possibility of prolonging.
Terms & conditions: of the law in force at the time of signing the internship contract.
When: apply now and if you’re selected, you’ll be contacted for scheduling your internship period for when better suits both parties. Before the final answer, an interview might occur.